Tradition and Innovation at Rauch Fruchtsäfte

Rauch Fruchtsäfte now brings together twelve brands with over 550 products under one roof. To mark its 100th anniversary, the Rankweil-based company expanded its gastronomy offerings in 2019 by introducing the in-house brand Franz Josef Rauch, in honor of its founder. The brand produces fruit juices, spritzers, iced teas, and, since this spring, even three organic lemonades with a high fruit content, specifically designed for restaurants, bars, and hotels.

In the image: Daniela Ottersbach and Miriam Lorenzin.


This article appeared in the November issue of the economic magazine Thema Vorarlberg (read online at as part of the Made in Vorarlberg series by WISTO.

Text ©Manuela de Pretis, WISTO
Photo ©Markus and Karin Gmeiner, Matak Studios

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