Starting Point: Tiles at KARAK

The team at KARAK, renowned for its Raku tiles, is evolving into a design manufactory, applying its expertise to an expanding range of products. What remains constant are the materials used, the techniques employed, and/or the geometric forms that define their creations.

For example, the round side table in the center of the image features intricate ornaments laser-engraved into the wood. A clay mixture is then applied and hardened using casein, resulting in a unique material combination.

In the image: KARAK founders Thomas Rösler (left) and Sebastian Rauch (right).


This report was published in the October issue of the economic magazine Thema Vorarlberg (read online at as part of the Made in Vorarlberg series by WISTO.

Text ©Manuela de Pretis, WISTO
Photo ©Markus and Karin Gmeiner, Matak Studios

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