With our CHANCENLAND VORARLBERG booth, we participate in career fairs to inform attendees about job opportunities with Vorarlberg companies and to generate enthusiasm for Austria’s westernmost province. At most fairs, local companies accompany us to network with visitors personally. We often bring fun gimmicks (like a wheel of fortune or bingo) to engage students, inform them about the companies, and leave a lasting impression.
Here is an overview of the fairs we have already attended in the first half of 2024:
January 18: Participation in the bonding Karlsruhe Career Fair
Together with illwerke vkw and BHM INGENIEURE, we informed visitors at the Kongresszentrum Karlsruhe on January 18 about Vorarlberg, local companies, and career opportunities.
February 15: Participation at the HTL Dornbirn Company Job Fair
This year, alongside 58 Vorarlberg companies, we were able to inform attendees at HTL Dornbirn about our activities. Thanks to the job database on our website, interested individuals can find the right companies for their skills and approach them directly.
March 6: Participation at the TECONOMY Career Fair in Leoben
With Hirschmann Automotive, Julius Blum, illwerke vkw and Dieffenbacher Energy, we showcased the many facets and career opportunities in Vorarlberg at the TECONOMY career fair at Montanuniversität Leoben. Among the students in Leoben, some Vorarlberg brands are surprisingly well-known and highly regarded as employers.
On the evening before the fair, we held our annual networking event in Leoben with 16 Vorarlberg students, facilitating networking and exchanges in a relaxed atmosphere.
March 12: Participation at the Partner & Career Day FH Joanneum
Along with representatives from b2 electronic, Mathias Bertsch and Matthias Pototschnig from the CHANCENLAND VORARLBERG team informed students at FH Joanneum about job opportunities in Vorarlberg and with Vorarlberg companies worldwide.
April 25: Participation at the TECONOMY Career Fair in Graz
We were accompanied to Graz by the companies Doppelmayr Gruppe, GANTNER electronic, Dieffenbacher Energy, BHM INGENIEURE, OMICRON electronics and Bachmann electronic. With these renowned companies at the CHANCENLAND VORARLBERG booth, we convinced students of the strength of the Vorarlberg economy and the variety of career opportunities available.
The evening before, we held our annual networking event in Graz, where 25 Vorarlberg STEM students had personal exchanges with the companies.
May 15: Participation at the Connect Career Fair at HTWG Konstanz
In Konstanz, we aim to inform students about career opportunities in Vorarlberg and attract interested individuals across Lake Constance. On May 15, we were joined by Grass und Hilti & Jehle at the Campus am Seerhein.
We are looking forward to our trade fair visits in the second half of 2024!