Amann Gir­rbach AG

Employment Type: full time
Minimum Training: HTL-Matura
Location: Mäder
Contact Person: Nelson Dos Santos

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Nel­son Dos San­tos
Gewerbe­straße 10
6841 Mäder

zum Un­ternehmen

The Ce­ramill CAD/CAM sys­tem from Amann Gir­rbach con­sists of hard­ware and soft­ware com­po­nents (scan­ner, CAD soft­ware, milling unit with CAM soft­ware, sin­ter­ing fur­nace) that guar­an­tee seam­less work processes across the en­tire value chain. The sys­tem is com­ple­mented by var­i­ous den­tal ma­te­ri­als, in­clud­ing the mil­l­able sin­tered metal Ce­ramill Sin­tron®. With the ma­te­r­ial de­vel­oped in co­op­er­a­tion with the Fraun­hofer IFAM Dres­den, Amann Gir­rbach achieved a break­through in the his­tory of mod­ern den­tal tech­nol­ogy. Ce­ramill Sin­tron® made it pos­si­ble world­wide for the first time to man­u­fac­ture den­tal pros­the­ses from non-pre­cious metal using CAD/CAM. The ma­te­r­ial, which can be milled eas­ily like wax, is ma­chined after con­struc­tion in a Ce­ramill CNC unit and sin­tered in a spe­cial fur­nace under pro­tec­tive gas. The sin­ter­ing process re­sults in a den­si­fi­ca­tion of the ma­te­r­ial, which gives the restora­tions their final con­sis­tency.

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