
Wirtschafts-Standort Vorarlberg GmbH (WISTO)
CAMPUS V, Hintere Achmühlerstrasse 1
6850 Dornbirn

Firmenbuch Nr. FN 114204y
Landesgericht Feldkirch
UID Nr. ATU 37884704
DVR Nr. 0772 721

WISTO is a company owned by Vorarlbergs government, Hypo Vorarlberg Bank AG and Wirtschaftskammer Vorarlberg. The services of WISTO are free of charge.

CHANCENLAND VORARLBERG is an initiative of WISTO and has set itself the goal of increasing the availability of technical specialists in Vorarlberg.


The website was created with the utmost care, but errors or misrepresentations can not be excluded. Any liability for damages arising directly or indirectly from the use of is excluded on the part of Wirtschafts-Standort Vorarlberg GmbH.

The operators of linked pages are solely responsible for their content.

Photo Rights

For all blog entries and sub-pages, the photo rights are indicated on the respective page. All rights reserved.

For the Home, Vorarlberg, Jobs, Company, Events, CHANCENLAND & Live your Hobbies pages, photo rights are mainly attributable to WISTO and Unsplash.

The copyrights of the following photos are as follows:

  • Home page: event image | Matthias Rhomberg
  • Arts & Culture page: header image | Matthias Rhomberg & Eva Sutter, stage design | Karl Forster, lake stage | Königsfreunde
  • Events page: Matthias Rhomberg
  • CHANCENLAND page: team photo | Matthias Rhomberg

On the mentioned pages, the photo rights are no longer listed separately.

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