amcoss GmbH

3 open job/s


amcoss is a hightech company in the semiconductor and microsystems technology business. The company manufactures highly specialised wafer processing equipment for the production of microchips. All processes running in our tools are exactly controlled by our control software ams PILOT. amcoss also offers engineering- and repair-services for optical, mechanical and mechatronic quality components for multiple applications and areas in the microchip production (photolithography, rapid thermal processing, substrate coating, CVD, EPI and metrology). The company is the largest supplier for second source components for stepper optics in the world. amcoss GmbH was formed in 2008 as owner-managed business and has since then been growing steadily. According to a Dun & Bradstreet rating the company ranges among the top 4% of all Austrian companies regarding its financial indicators (e.g., creditworthiness). To enhance our business opportunities amcoss has been looking out for a strong partner and is now part of the LAB14 group with companies in the field of micro and nanotechnology and approx. 1000 employees worldwide. By using our potential synergies, we can serve our customers in the best way possible. Lab14 headquarter is based in Heidelberg, Germany. For many years amcoss has been DIN ISO 9001 certified. As a result, numerous renowned customers have been relying on us for a long time, and 80% of all manufacturers of microchips and semiconductors worldwide, as well as best-known R&D organizations are our business partners. Naturally, we have been maintaining long-term relationships with suppliers and sales partners, based on trust and appreciation.


Based on our values we work highly efficient and productive, which is reflected in a high volume of sales per employee. Our team consists of highly qualified and committed people deploying a high degree of independence and personal responsibility, paired with a doer mentality. They work extremely flexible and solution-oriented, creatively, full of ideas and versatile. In return, amcoss offers flexible work schedules and permanent employment contracts for everyone, fosters teamwork, a good working atmosphere and secure jobs. If you are qualified in mechatronics, optics, electrical engineering, physics or if you have experience in microsystems and semiconductor technology, you are the person we are looking for!

Our team needs clever professionals, talented brains and flexible doers! Ready for new experiences? Curious? Interested and motivated? We looking forward to your application by e-mail to!

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Wafer processing equipment, optical, mechanical and electromechanical components for microchip production


Feldkirch, Koblach


Electronics & electrical engineering, Machinery & Plant Engineering, Others


David Erne
Leusbündtweg 49a
6800 Feldkirch

Applications please by E-mail
amcoss GmbH
amcoss GmbH
amcoss GmbH
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