Servus In­tral­o­gis­tics GmbH

4 open job/s


Servus In­tral­o­gis­tics, a sub­sidiary of Heron In­no­va­tions Fac­tory, de­vel­ops, plans and im­ple­ments cus­tomised con­cepts with a guar­an­teed fu­ture and turnkey so­lu­tions for in­tral­o­gis­tics, KLT stor­age, order pick­ing and pro­duc­tion around its core - the world's first in­tel­li­gent, au­tonomous trans­port robot. A sin­gle sys­tem cov­ers all areas of ware­house and pro­duc­tion lo­gis­tics. In­tel­li­gent, au­tonomous trans­port ro­bots take care of all in­ter­nal trans­ports from goods re­ceipt to the au­to­mated small parts ware­house (AKL), through pro­duc­tion, order pick­ing, as­sem­bly and the of­fice to goods issue. With Servus In­tral­o­gis­tics, ware­house and pro­duc­tion merge into a fully au­to­mated unit. Al­ready worked for Amann Gir­rbach, Miele, Rosen­berger, Zum­to­bel


Peo­ple in focus
In ad­di­tion to the high tech­ni­cal de­mands placed on the prod­ucts, the Heron Group pays par­tic­u­lar at­ten­tion to the de­vel­op­ment of its em­ploy­ees and the pro­mo­tion of their per­son­al­ity. The Heron Group recog­nised very early on that only those em­ploy­ees who are pre­pared to change them­selves can ini­ti­ate or allow changes. For this rea­son, it is par­tic­u­larly im­por­tant to the com­pany that the de­vel­op­ment of its em­ploy­ees is pro­moted with highly in­ter­est­ing and often un­con­ven­tional de­vel­op­ment tools.
Facts on the topic of em­ploy­ees":
1997 Heron opens the Dan­de­lion and Silk Paws chil­dren's group - the first com­pany kinder­garten in the whole of Vo­rarl­berg.
Pro­jects: "Chil­dren into tech­nol­ogy", goal: to get el­e­men­tary school pupils en­thu­si­as­tic about tech­nol­ogy!
Pro­mo­tion of dyslex­ics

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Fu­ture-Proof In­tral­o­gis­tics




Trans­port & Lo­gis­tics


Flo­rian Bösch
Dr. Wal­ter Zum­to­bel Straße 2
6850 Dorn­birn

Applications please by E-mail
Dig­i­tally knit­ted
En­ergy Tran­si­tion in Antarc­tica
Start­ing Point: Tiles
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